Harrison Bird Food High Potency Coarse 5LB

إضافة إلى المقارنة
    Species include:
  • 1- African Greys (year-round)
  • 2- Amazons (first 6 months)
  • 3- Cockatoos (year-round)
  • 4- Eclectus(first 6 months)
  • 5- Macaws (year-round)
  • 6- Large Conures (year-round)
  • 7- Toucans (first 6 months)
أضف لقائمة الرغبات
HIGH POTENCY COARSE A Premium First-Use* Formula for Medium to Large Birds *High Potency is additionally the suggested year-round formula for the following species: African Grey parrots, cockatoos, large conures, and macaws. USES: CONVERSION TO HARRISON'S: All birds should start out and remain on High Potency formula for a period of at least 6 months at approximately 70% of the total diet. Switch large birds (other than African Grey parrots, cockatoos, large conures and macaws) to Adult Lifetime formula after the 6-month introductory period. BREEDING BIRDS: High Potency formula should be fed 1-2 months prior to the breeding period and continued until the chicks are weaned or for at least 6 months before resuming Adult Lifetime formula. WEANING BIRDS: High Potency formula should be fed to weaning birds for at least 6-9 months. SPECIAL NEEDS: High Potency formula supports birds that are molting, overweight, underweight, particularly active, housed in a cold climate, recovering from an illness or affected by liver or kidney disease.
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Harrison Bird Food High Potency Coarse 5LB
